Thursday, June 26, 2014

Technology: Really Good and Really Bad

“Internet”. The term is derived from ARPANET, a U.S. Government information network created in 1968 to track Soviet advances in space and science.  Claimed to have been invented by retired politician, Al Gore.

The Internet and electronic communication are two of the most wondrous things of late 20th and 21st Century.   Internet and computer use have exploded in the past 20 years.  According to David Houle, Entering the Shift Age,  ( Sourcebooks, Inc. 2013)  in 1985 there were 25,270,000 computers in use in the U.S.  In 2005 there were 203,700,000 computers in use in the U.S.  Internet users for the same period jumped from 190,000 users to 205,327,000 users.  There is reason to think that the last nine years have been more explosive.

Although the benefits of technology may have increased, the dangers of misuse or careless use have also increased.  There are two dangerous tools of technology that can come back to bite you:  emails and social media.

Emails.  I have warned about the danger of emails in the past.  For some bizarre reason people will say things in emails that they would never say in a personal or telephone conversation.  They will also send an email without the normal review and re-reading that most people use in writing letters. The result is legally dangerous.  Examples follow:

·      A close golfing buddy of a male bank senior executive sends an email containing a sexually explicit joke to the executive.  The executive then sends the email on to three other bank employees.  This is not the first or only such email. A female assistant to one of the three employees intercepts the email.  About a month later she is fired.  She claims sexual discrimination and a pattern and practice of sexual harassment and discrimination.  The EEOC starts its investigation and asks for the email and any others like it.  Although the bank has a policy against engaging in, sending or transmitting inappropriate emails the policy has never been monitored or enforced.  The email and others like it are produced to the EEOC.

Possible Solution:  There are no easy ways to enforce policies on inappropriate email or transmitting offensive emails.  Having Information Technology (“IT”) personnel “police” emails is probably ineffective and distasteful to everyone .    Education of management and key personnel is the best option.  Regular training concerning the policy and other IT policies would be helpful and could be combined with sexual harassment training—an important educational and defensive legal  tool.
         Change  the example above slightly.  It is three years later. The EEOC drops its investigation.  The fired employee takes a severance payment and admits she had no other evidence but the emails. The golfing senior executive attends the regular IT/HR training on inappropriate emails.  When he receives an email from his golfing buddy he labels it as junk or otherwise deletes it without a sign that it has been sent on or even read.   After the three years has elapsed a clerical employee then complains that a supervisory employee in her branch has inappropriately touched her, made sexually inappropriate comments to her and otherwise harassed  her.  The supervisory employee is one of the employees who was sent the sexually explicit email three years ago by the golfing senior executive.  The complaining employee has heard about the old emails.  She files suit.  Her attorney asks for the email and all others like it from five years back.  The bank has no “retention” policy under which classes of documents, such as old emails, are removed from the computer system and from archives after a certain time.  The bank has to produce the old damaging emails.

Possible Solution.  Approve a good “retention” policy for emails which permits  the bank to destroy old email records, provided that litigation is not threatened or pending which will call for their production. Banks, or any business, are permitted to destroy or delete old documents, records and emails when they are not needed or regulatory requirements permit.  The production of damaging emails kept too long and for no business purpose has damaged many well-known businesses.  Old emails drafted in haste or without thought, can be very damaging and easily misconstrued.  Twenty years ago  Bill Gates’ old emails proved invaluable to the U.S. Government in its antitrust action against Microsoft.   Although the retention policies in automobile manufacturing are different from most business,  the recent GM recall history and those responsible for it, were pieced together from GM engineering department and legal department emails dating back to 2002. 
Federal and New Mexico regulations do not set email retention guidelines, except the OCC has said that some emails which are important to a transaction should be retained.   A good email retention policy should include the following, or variants :  (1) computer users’ emails should be  deleted or removed from computer hard drives after six months; (2) the deleted emails are then archived for a period of not more than two years from creation, and computer users can retrieve them upon request ; (3) after two years they are deleted or destroyed from the archive; (4) if a lawsuit is threatened or brought during the two year period, a “hold” is put on all emails concerning the threatened litigation, but all other emails in archive are deleted or destroyed.  I understand that most email records that are deleted or destroyed from the archive do not really “disappear”, but the cost of retrieval and the difficulty of retrieval is great. The burden and cost is usually always borne by the requesting party.  From experience I prefer the shorter times I have outlined  but within reason the periods are within management discretion.  Robert Childs is Chief Operating Officer of CAaNES, a New Mexico company offering nationwide security services to banks and others.  He has years of experience with retention systems.  When asked about the ease of retrieval of taped archived emails, Childs stated that “restoring is not necessarily difficult, though it can be time consuming.  One would need to know the dates / date ranges to look for, find the correct backup tape for that time period, and search for the emails in question, and restore the email files to a restore location…”.   The process is not expensive, aside from the time expended, and the difficulty increases with the age of the emails sought, Childs added.

·      In the renewal of a  complex loan with an impending due date, a bank’s loan officer sends numerous emails to the borrower.  The emails discuss the bank’s many unsettled terms for the renewal, including potential interest rates, term of the renewed loan to value ratios, additional real estate collateral, etc.  The negotiations are not entirely cordial because the customer is in a business threatened by reductions in government contracts.  Negotiations break down.  The bank reluctantly has to notify the customer that although it will give the business 30 days after the due date to find a new loan, the bank will move to collect and foreclose if the  loan is not paid.  The customer’s lawyer writes the loan officer.  The lawyer states that from the loan officer’s emails the bank agreed to a renewal of the loan on terms favorable to the customer.  The lawyer says that unless the bank agrees to the terms set forth in the lawyer’s letter (based upon the emails) she will file suit within ten days.    The renewed loan terms were never approved by the bank’s loan committee or President and there was no written loan commitment signed by the bank and customer.

Possible Solution.  I recommend that all bank loan personnel emails bear a standard end-of-email sentence similar to the standard statement most businesses use concerning the email recipient’s getting an email in error.  The standard loan personnel end-of-email statement should recite in “plain English” that nothing in the email message is binding on the bank or is a contract unless approved by  a loan committee, appropriate senior executive management, the Board or by a signed commitment letter.  In my experience, not all banks use such a simple precaution.  Some of the large national banks appear not to use such precautionary measures.  In New Mexico First American Bank uses a workable standard statement concerning its loan officers not binding the bank unless certain conditions are met.  My experience my be incomplete, but I think First American may be in the minority in using such precautionary statements in their loan officer’s emails communications. 

Social Media.   Social Media can be as dangerous as emails but the experience is limited, but growing.  Some dangerous  legal areas for social media are now clear.  First, any company policy that purports to set how employees can use their personal social media accounts runs the strong risk that the National Labor Relations Board will find that policy to be an unfair labor practice.  You do not have to be unionized since the National Labor Relations Act applies generally to all employers.  The NLRB has prosecuted several companies for having policies which appear generally benign because they might interfere with “protected concerted activity.”  Second, using social media for screening prospective job applicants has hidden dangers.  Bob Tinnin, a New Mexico expert in employment law, warns in the June 24 edition of hero© line (, that using social media may have serious legal consequences.  For example, if you use social media do not be selective.  If you are too selective you risk charges of discrimination under state and federal law.  If you have the social media searches done by a contractor, you will probably be subject to the FCRA and may have to notify rejected applicants of the use of the social media, furnish a copy of the media on which you relied and a statement of FCRA rights.  You may also violate state law.  A  2013 New Mexico statute prohibits employers from requesting social media passwords for job purposes.  Again, under certain circumstances you might run afoul of the National Labor Relations Act, depending on how you use the social media.  In short, given the risks and problems, Tinnin advises against using social media in employment  screening.   [The reader should be aware that Bob Tinnin is the founder and senior partner of Tinnin Law Firm, a firm with which I am associated.] 

Do Good,

Tinnin Law Firm
505-228-8506 (cell)

505-768-1500 (office)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Directors and Officers Insurance Coverage--Important Developments

“Boring” dull and uninteresting: causing boredom.  Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The FDIC has suddenly become active about issues in Directors and Officer Insurance coverage.  The FDIC’s sudden interest in this boring subject caught a wide spectrum of the banking associations, insurance industry and bank legal experts by surprise.   But this is important stuff.

On February 12, 2012 the American Association of Bank Directors wrote the General Counsel of the FDIC to complain “ F.D.I.C. examiners cited at least two nonmember banks in Louisiana for violations of 12 C.F.R. § 359 for having an endorsement in their D&O policy that would indemnify directors for Civil Money Penalties (“CMP”) assessed against them. The policies were issued to the banks, but the banks did not pay for the coverage; the directors did.”  The AABD stated that it had been a practice since 1996—the year 12 C.F.R. § 359 was adopted-- for insurance carriers to issue D&O policies with an endorsement that covered Civil Money Penalties as long as the director paid or reimbursed the bank for the endorsement cost.  The reimbursement was minimal.    On February 27, 2012 the FDIC General Counsel replied.   He rejected AABD’s CMP reimbursement argument.  He stated that allowing CMP coverage endorsements of directors, even if repaid by the directors, would damage the deterrent effect of the regulation.  He did not explain why the FDIC had waited 16 years to make this determination. 

For reasons that may be  clearer in the following D&O coverage statement by the FDIC, the CMP is a wholly different form of regulatory legal action than the agency’s legal actions against former directors or officers of failed banks for alleged losses borne by the FDIC as insurer and receiver for failed institutions.  Such actions can be covered by D&O liability insurance.

 CMPs may be assessed by a variety of federal regulatory agencies, including the FDIC, OCC, Federal Reserve, FinCEN and others. One cannot easily determine the total number of CMPs issued by the agencies although CMPs are public records.  However, the regulatory agencies have a potent enforcement action if they seek such relief—made far more potent if it cannot be covered by D&O insurance.  The type of director or officer conduct that may bring a CMP action is beyond the scope of this article.  However, one of the common grounds for the FDIC’s seeking a CMP is a violation of a cease and desist order, violation of law or similar circumstance.  In CMP proceedings there are various levels of alleged wrongdoing and there are three tiers of penalty ranging from $5000 per day to over $ 1 million per day. A survey of recent CMPs shows one for $3500 against a North Dakota bank director (Cease and Desist Order), 37.5 million against TD Bank of Wilmington, Delaware (failure to file SARs in Ponzi scheme and other misconduct) and a rare CMP against a credit union by NCUA  (no money penalty).
All was quiet on the insurance front for a time, but on October 13, 2013 the FDIC issued a “Financial Institutions Letter” which contained a strange mix of guidance on D&O insurance coverage.  Firstly, the Letter advises banks to carefully examine their D&O policies for exclusions of coverage. The Letter stated “[t]hese exclusions may limit insurance coverage under certain circumstances, thereby increasing the potential personal exposure of board members and bank officers in civil lawsuits.” And secondly, the Letter went further.  It reminded banks that a bank could not purchase an endorsement covering CMP for directors and officers, even if the director or officer paid the cost of the CMP endorsement.  FDIC voiced no similar concern about potential personal exposure of board members and bank officers about the CMP exposure.
The FDIC’s advice concerning D&O coverage exclusions is not disinterested.  D&O insurance for directors and officers is a major source of recovery by settlement in the FDIC ‘s actions as receiver of failed banking institutions. The FDIC is concerned that insurance companies will insert a “regulatory” exclusion in a bank’s D&O policy—usually on renewal.  The exclusion will block or impede FDIC, as receiver for failed banks, in recovery in its lawsuits against former directors. On the other hand, CMPs are used as punishment for the wayward director or officer. 
The FDIC’s prohibition of CMP endorsement appeared on my radar when I learned of the OCC’s citation of a New Mexico community bank for its D&O coverage for CMP by endorsement. Unfortunately, for now, the law on directors and officers bearing the cost of a separate CMP endorsement is clear.  A bank may not purchase CMP endorsement coverage, even if the director or officer reimburses the cost.  One insurance blog suggests that director and officers could purchase stand-alone CMP coverage or add CMP coverage to homeowner policies. 
Frank Carroll, of the Dallas law firm Cox Smith, is an expert in FDIC litigation.  He observes “we know of no insurer in this market that offers standalone CMP policies to Ds or Os – the pricing for such coverage would be prohibitively high…” Carroll added that such policies would require state insurance regulator’s approval, which might be unlikely in view of the FDIC position that such coverage is contrary to public policy.   Given the size of the New Mexico market the odds of such standalone coverage are even more remote.  
One bright spot: the FDIC regulation clearly allows a bank to purchase insurance for the cost of the defense of director and officer CMP claims  (12 CFR s 359.1(l)(2)(i)) Directors and officers do not have to reimburse the bank for such coverage. Carroll warns that some OCC and FDIC examiners do not know the rule and may cite the bank. 

 Larry Lujan and Jim Rhodes of Hub International (formerly the Lujan Agency) confirm that the cost of defense coverage is available in New Mexico.  CMP coverage is not available--standalone or as an endorsement.  In some policies cost of defense may be included in the general cost of defense for all D&O coverage.  However, that is not true of all D&O policies.  Rhodes reported one insurance broker termed the cost of defense market as "evolving".  
Sorry to burden you with what is a  legalistic topic. Nonetheless, the subject of D&O insurance is critical to your bank, its officers and directors.  Critical steps to take:

  • You should carefully review your D&O policy for exclusions with an attorney who knows D&O insurance coverage for banks.   No matter how healthy your bank is, this review should occur yearly--preferably at renewal.   
  • You should insure that your policy does not have the forbidden CMP endorsement. 
  • If so, replace it with cost of defense coverage (for which the bank can pay).  This is essential to your directors since expert legal assistance in CMP proceedings may save them money. It may be included in your present D&O policy but make sure it is. 
 As an aside, the regulators want experienced, diligent, smart directors.  However, the regulators do almost everything they can do to discourage that type of director from serving. The FDIC's change in position on CMP coverage is all too typical.

Friday is June 6—D Day.  If one every questions the day’s meaning I suggest that you visit Omaha Beach in Normandy and the U.S. Cemetery which looks down on Omaha.  The almost endless white burial crosses and other stone religious symbols cause you to wonder about those fallen.  When you look down on Omaha Beach, from the site where the German Wehrmacht had heavy weapons and machine guns, you wonder how our troops ever got up the steep bluff.  Many did not and rest beneath the white stones.  But enough did.
Do Good, 

(505) 228-8506